1-Day Silent Temple Meditation Retreat
Sat, Mar 18
Set aside the demands of life for a day. Make the best use of your me-time with a meditation guru.

Time & Location
Mar 18, 2023, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM GMT+8
Singapore, 27 Jln Senyum, Singapore 418151
About the event
”Silence is the best foundation for looking deeply.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
A silent retreat is a wonderful doorway to experiencing the deep stillness and peace within that is available to us at any time.
Have you ever wondered how to make the best out of your me-time, especially during uncertain times like now?
This one-day silent retreat will be led by former monk Dhammakamo (DK), founder of The Hermitage Zen, and is open to both meditation newbies as well as advanced practitioners.
We are grateful to be able to offer this in-person retreat in the peaceful sanctuary of Buddhaguna Buddhist Temple, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
The nature of the retreat is rooted in Zen and Insight meditation (samatha-vipassana}, Emptiness and Loving-kindness. Through DK's teachings and guidance, you will experience the peace, bliss and tranformative power of these ancient wisdom that are made relevant to the psychology of our time.
Each retreat is personalised, unique and organically crafted in the present moment based on the collective needs and energies of all participants. DK never uses scripts for his teachings and guided meditations. They are as raw and organic as they can be.
This is the reason some of us attend the retreat more than once because there is so much that awaits our discovery.
In the afternoon, there will be ‘me’ time for you to dive within yourself and practise on your own. You can make use of this precious time to meditate, journal or simply enjoy doing nothing. It is also a good time to try out the new practices you have learnt and let the insights anchor into your mind.
These precious moments have proven to be deeply insightful and nourishing for those who have previously attended our retreats.
There is even an opportuinity share your reflections and ask DK any questions during the sharing circle towards the end of the retreat.
We are excited to see the understanding, tools and techniques you will take home to grow your mindfulness and meditation practice.
As part of Noble Silence, all devices will be surrendered at the start of the retreat. They will be kept safe and returned to you at the end of the retreat. (No worries, an emergency contact number will be given to you to be shared with your loved ones.)
Here’s what you can look forward to:
- Wisdom teachings (Dharma talks) to deepen your understanding of meditation and mindfulness
- Guided sitting meditations
- Contemplative meditation
- Formal walking meditation
- Daily Mindfulness practices like eating, walking, yoga nidra, etc
- Specific practices to help make meditation easier
- Group sharing opportunities to integrate your learning
- Personal meditation time for to go within, reflect and gain insight
- DK on-hand to be able to answer all your questions
- A nourishing vegetarian lunch
- Community of like-minded friends who live deeply and consciously
Teachings are non-religious.
This retreat is open to everyone regardless of religious background, age and gender identity. We look forward to having you with us.
Parts of the proceeds will be donated to the temple.
General Admission
SGD 380.00Sold Out
This event is sold out