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Spiritual Empowerment & Blessing 2022

Sun, Apr 03



Transform your journey and speed up your spiritual progress, meditation prowess and healing abilities.

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Spiritual Empowerment & Blessing 2022
Spiritual Empowerment & Blessing 2022

Time & Location

Apr 03, 2022, 11:00 AM GMT+8

Singapore, 27 Jln Senyum, Singapore 418151

About the event

A spiritual empowerment can clear karmic obstacles and stagnant blocks in your life path.

Known as a spiritual mentor to long-term meditators and a teacher to psychic practitioners, Dhammakamo (DK) has been instrumental in helping many speed up their spiritual progress with his clarity in wisdom and compassion. Due to his strong foundation in moral ethics and integrity, DK was bestowed with many spiritual and esoteric wisdom attained through his intensive practice and transmission from his gurus. 

Today, he is one of the rare few with the ability to perform spiritual empowerments and guide others regardless of their spiritual background. 


TL,DR version:

A complete and powerful combination of energy work, mantras, deva language, yantra (sigils), mandalas, mudras, guide invocation, channelling, manifestation, psychic reading and healing to boost some, if not all, of your:

- clarity

- spiritual wisdom

- meditation

- spiritual pgrogress

- healing abilities

- psychic powers

- aura

- chakra alignment

- guide connection

- protection

- love

- good karma

- blesssings

'My experience was wonderful. I could feel the positive energy, I felt vibrations in my body and tingling sensations on my forehead and centre of the head. Overall I felt very calm and peaceful. Even now few days after the empowerment, I can sense that my mind has quitened and I feel very relaxed. Overall it was a very unique and powerful spiritual experience.'

- Bhuvana

Full Details:

Through the years, DK has helped many to find their soul worth, progress on the spiritual path, improve their psychic abilities, increased positive energies, healed their trauma and coached them into restoring themselves with sagacious advice.

DK will be in meditative mode throughout. Upon entering the relic hall, consecrated balm and pure gold leaf will be applied onto your palms and forehead. After which you will sit in a circle and a holy cord will be passed around to represent the unbroken transmission and lineage of Enlightened Masters. 

The session will then begin with a short Dharma Talk, contemplative instructions and a blessing in Pali. The chants in Pali includes an invocation of the devas to grace the ceremony with their blessings and protection.

Next, you will be given a lotus flower to hold while DK walks over to perform the Spiritual Empowerment on you by placing the pagoda (stupa) over your crown. The pagoda contains the sacred relics of the Buddha's enlightend disciples.

Afterwhich, the spiritual masters will be invoked to perform mass energy infusion into you. 

In order to manifest his consciousness in the quantum realm, DK will not be able to speak or tell you what kind of beneficial energy and balance he will perform on you at this point of time. Reason being this can only be performed while dwelling deeply in shunyata-samadhi (concentration on the sphere of Emptiness), in short, Oneness.

DK’s physical body will be chanting in purely Sanskrit and Deva Language (Angelic Language of the Universe) while his astral body will split and emanate out to infuse every participant with energies unique to their needs. As this will be done through the transcendence of ego and perceptions, the powers channeled will resonate fully with your energetic capacity.

After which, sacred yantra will be inscribed onto your third eye and palms. 

To complete the session, Upon being sprinkled by holy water, the entire process will be complete and you can bring the lotus flower home.

To be fair and ensure everyone receives the utmost benefit, DK will be straightforward and go in full-energy during your individual Empowerment. Therefore he won't be entertaining further questions other than the most heartfelt advice you may need. 

However, other healers and practitioners will be present should you require further assistance.

Time slots:




You are more than welcome to continue meditating in silence in the relic hall for some time after the empowerment.

A big part of the proceeds from this ceremony will be donated to the temple.


'Hi DK, it’s always a blessing to sit in a circle with you. The whole session from the empowerment to the Puja was a mandala of vibrational blessings. There was a constant vibration of deep purple and blue with shades of green throughout the empowerment sessions. There are also assumed intermittent geometrical shapes as you were empowering one of the participants.'

-Orgyen Rigdzin

'I had a great sense of calm. Master DK was able to intuit what I needed for spiritual progress when he empowered me. I felt a deep sense of connection with the Master and all present during the ceremony.'


'The empowerment was very powerful. I felt this pressure coming down from the heavens and going into my spine and flushing into and out of my root Chakra. Then I felt very peaceful and also compassionate to the people around me. Like at that moment I was very happy to be there in the moment and surrounded with the people I love.'


'It was beautiful, pure, gentle yet powerful and I understood why I was drawn to attend at a sensory level. The whole day my whole body and my head had felt fuzzy ( but it had begun 2 months ago with nightly uncomfortable dreams even last night ) and I was increasingly losing a lot of vitality. I tried different methods by myself to reclaim without success. When you started chanting, I can feel tingles in my head, felt like there were a lot of things being dissolved in there, it began hard to think and my mind cannot wander. I did not know why I cried when I sat down in front of you I can feel there are things I need to release and purge but I do not know what it was as well. I just kept holding on to the intention of I want to remain open and to allow what needed to happen throughout. Tears flowed and I felt sad at that moment for myself yet I don't know why too. After the personal session, I felt really peaceful and happy again. This morning, I feel revitalized, happy and oddly "felt like myself" again.'



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